Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Whats with this weather? I wish it would just up and rain and get it over with. These cloudy days are miserable, makes my whole body ache and pain. Besides that it make it seem hotter because the humidity is so high. They keep saying we are in the Monsoon but so far we've had no rain here at my house or in this neighborhood. Come on, we need it more than other places--share.


Princess Lisa said...

Sorry Grandma! Because of your unwillingness to join me on the maiden voyage of the Ice Princess.... I'm keeping the rain up here. You have nobody but yourself to blame!

Kimber said...

Been raining a bit here in my neck of Mesa. The weather has been odd this year though.

Unknown said...

Oh I wish it would rain too!! Monsoon season is suck a tease. We get clouds, lighting, thunder, wind and dust then nothing.

Bryan said...

I recently went to a museum that showed charts of the annual rainfall per state. Utah has the second lowest annual rainfall at 13 inches. 1st is Nevada. Arizona is way up there at 16 inches. So I'd say that Utah needs the rain more than Arizona.

Lonna said...

Mom, it is so hot and humid in AZ I just had to run away. Holy Cow it's hot there.
I am serious about autumn getting here quick!

Rae said...

Well so far we still haven't had any rain at my house. And yes, it is so hot and humid, we need the rain so it would then dry up! Strange weather we're having and I'm tired of it already.