Sunday, February 1, 2009


As I was going to church today, I was looking around at some of the yards in my neighborhood and noticing all the flowers in bloom, the trees budding out (they only lost their leaves last month), the sun shining, ducks on the lakes, dogs and people out everywhere, and I couldn't help but think that spring is just about to come to The Valley of The Sun. How different it is in other parts of the country, horrible ice storms, tons of snow, and people freezing to death in their own homes. How blessed I am to live in this warm valley. I just don't think I could stand living somewhere it was so cold all the time, I guess I'm spoiled!
The theme (if there is one) in sacrament meeting today was mostly about the priesthood. So many got up to bear their testimonies about the priesthood and how grateful they are to bear it. I got to thinking about how much I miss having the priesthood in my home now. I am so gratful to have sons and grandsons and home teachers who come and bring the priesthood back into my home. The strength and comfort I receive from having the worthy priesthood holders in my home are just so over whelming. I am so grateful that I know that Bill holds that priesthood and is watching over me. It is much harder to get a blessing when you have to call on someone to come to your home and I really miss the knowledge that the priesthood is always here in my home when I need reassurence and strength. The power of the priesthood is worth more than anyone can put a price on. Stay true and worthy to it always.

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