Friday, August 8, 2008

Van died.

My last remaining Brother in Law on Bill's side of the family died early this morning. Oh, how I am going to miss him. He was the last of the older generation of Becks. That means that Mike, Tonie, Victor, and Kimberly are now the older generation of Becks. The oldest living Beck is now Stanley and he's not that much older than I am. Scary! Van was a wonderful guy, a great husband and father, grandfather, uncle, brother, brother-in-law, and friend. He was 99 years old and would have turned 100 in Jan. so most of his friends and all of his brothers were already gone. But those of us who knew and love him will surely miss him. It's especially hard haveing him go so soon after Bill, which is a constant pain and emptiness. But I am so happy that they will be together again. Van's first wife died many years ago, so I know that he is glad to be with her again too. I just pray for his sweet wife, June, remaining here. May God bless and comfort her at this time and always, and may she know how much she is loved by those of us that know her. Dear Brother Van, I am going to miss you so.


Lonna said...

Sorry to hear about Van's passing. He was a sweetheart of a man. I enjoyed going to his home and visiting he and Carrie back when I was a teeneager. They always made me feel welcomed. I am sure Van is having a much anticipated reunion with her and his brothers. June is such a sweet woman and my thoughts and prayers will be with her.

Berleen said...

Kimber spoke of him many times... he sounded like a wonderful man!

I am so sorry for your loss...